Sudden Onset Disability

The Basics

Life changes a lot when you become disabled, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a satisfying life. It just means that you’re going to have to learn new ways of doing things and that some things in your life will change.

This article will help you answer a series of important questions about these changes in your life:

  • Where can I get help?
  • What are my rights as a disabled person?
  • What sort of health coverage can I get?
  • Are there any cash benefits that can help me?
  • What will happen with my job?
  • How can I get trained for a different job?

Sometimes the answers to these questions are very confusing. You may already be overwhelmed from hearing about MO HealthNet,TWHA, SSI, SSDI, VR, ILCs, the ADA, LTD, and many other programs.

In this article, we don’t expect you to know what all of these programs are. Instead, we’ll answer the questions above by presenting basic information about all of the programs that can support you, beginning by listing their complete names and then presenting a few paragraphs about each that will tell you:

  • What these benefits offer
  • How you get them
  • When they’re a good option
  • How to find detailed information about them

By organizing the information in this way, you can think of this as your initial lesson in disability resources, programs, and benefits.

Note: DB101 keeps track of changes to health coverage and related laws. DB101 articles and tools have recently been updated to include MO HealthNet's expansion of coverage for adults 18-64 years old (Medicaid Expansion). Get more information about applying for this coverage.

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